Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Passion

A friend once told me "Chris, you need to find your passion in life". The same friend said "Come on, let me touch your deformed ear. I just want to touch it!" so you have to take their advice with a grain of salt.

What (if any) are my passions in life?
Computers? - well,I spend the majority of my life in front of one, but I'm not really passionate about them. It's my job. I seem to be fairly good at it. I enjoy using it for recreation and
information purposes. But I don't know if I'd call it a passion

Reading? - Used to be my passion, but I can't focus on reading like I used to.

Music? - Out of everything, I'd say this was my last great passion in life. Back when I was in the marching band (shut up! marching band can be passionate, damn you!) I definatly felt like I had a purpose. I enjoy listening to music now, but I get so focused on the music, that I can't do much else at the same time while listening to it. I should get back to the piano sometime. I tried the guitar, maybe I could try it again. I don't see myself playing the trumpet again though. That was a different time, and I don't think my blood pressure could handle it now.

Games? - This would be my biggest hobby. Collecting and playing video/computer/board/card games. Could I call it a passion? maybe, maybe not

Photography/Outdoors? - Two of my more recent hobbies I've picked up. I've tried to get into them, but have lost interest lately. Probably due to how shitty a summer this has been.

It's just so hard to get myself to do anything. I come home from work and just don't want to think, don't want to move, don't want to do a god damn thing at all. Gotta find a way to change that.

1 comment:


this friend of yours sounds very wise and compassionate, also quite adorable.