Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My New Workout Regimine

Fuck kettlebells, fuck walking, fuck biking, fuck diets

this is my new workout routine. C'mon everybody..PONY!!!!!


Mojito Libre said...

Oh my f'n God. What in the hell is that??? It's pretty surreal if you watch it without sound like I did.

You know, that lady looks like the host of that infomercial where they're selling a sandwich maker...the one where the guy is a complete douche and the lady has like 5 inch long finger nails with raw meat caked underneath? You know the one...

copaX said...

Oh you need to watch it with sound and listen to all the weird women screaming and wooping it up for no apparent reason.

the one that has two semicircular regions for making your sandwiches? and you can just throw all kinds of random raw food in it, and voila in 15 minutes it comes out perfect? yeah, I need to get me one o' dem

Jen said...

i am watching the video with no sounds as well, and yeah...it's surreal to say the least.

who are these broads? it's got to be from the late 80's. and why do they look so damned happy???

a couple of them could use a kettelball to the face.

copaX said...

You people need to stop trying to watch this without sound, you're missing half of the craziness of it. Just turn up your speakers and let everyone enjoy the fun of PONY!! and HIP ROCK!!! and the crazy old women screaming

Mojito Libre said...

Ha ha ha. Kettlebell to the face. I guffawed.

Well, looks like we'll be doing the PONY instead of the Electric Slide at the wedding reception, GG.

copaX said...

*does the "I won teh intarwebs" dance*

Mojito Libre said...

I will never be able to look at middle aged fat women wearing leotards prancing around like penguins and ponies quite the same...

copaX said...

I promise not to bring up the fact that you look at middle aged fat women wearing leotards prancing around like penguins and ponies with Mrs. mojito, assuming I meet her at the reception.

Mojito Libre said...

But Mrs. Mojito enjoys looking at middle aged fat women wearing leotards prancing around like penguins and ponies with me. That's what we call "our time together" or "Friday Night".

copaX said...

then that means I will doubly not bring it up.

/doesn't like intruding on a couple's "time together"
//unless it's a couple of hot chicks
///mmm hot chicks

Mojito Libre said...

Aaaaand...we're back to the PONY!

Full Circle.

copaX said...

*stands on the cliff ledge*


/promises himself he wouldn't make an innuendo out of Hakuna Matata
//mmm hot chick hakuna matata

Mojito Libre said...

If you're referencing Hakuna Matata w/hot chicks, does that mean the weasel character eats the hot chicks and the boar porks them?


copaX said...

no, it's basically just me and two hot chicks. doesn't have anything to do with the movie or the characters. I can neither confirm nor deny, though, that the words "hakuna matata" would or would not be uttered at some point during the process.

Mojito Libre said...

So. That's what you'd do with a million dollars?

/TPS reports.

copaX said...


//I'm a people person.
///Don't you get that?
////What the hell is wrong with you people!

Mojito Libre said...

OK, Milton. Well, I'm going to go and order a margarita for you...no salt, NO salt. And, that should do it for the day. I wouldn't want you to put strichnyne in the punch or anything.


Jen said...

um... i feel like i've really made some mistakes recently. like, ever allowing you 2 to speak to each other (via my blog) or to meet (the upcoming reception.)

speaking of that, yeah...um...we've had to cancel the wedding reception. you know, the bad economy, sarah palin's wardrobe budget, the cold weather, etc... so don't bother showing up.

if you walked by the house of blues that night, you'd see some other couple who bought our reception packages from us. their jan and denny hern. not us at all. keep walking.

also, i watched the video again, with sound. i just don't understand why those ladies need to be in those outfits, moving around like that, yelling "woo!"

ok, i'm hard typing. i gotta go. my mom said i'm not allowed on the internets ever again!